
Istoriâ, arheologiâ i ètnografiâ Kavkaza (Online)

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Key-title in original characters: История, археология и этнография Кавказа (Online)

Title proper: История, археология и этнография Кавказа.

Title proper: Istoriâ, arheologiâ i ètnografiâ Kavkaza.

Abbreviated key-title: Istor. arheol. ètnogr. Kavk. (Online)

Parallel title: History, archeology and ethnography of the Caucasus

Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic

Subject: UDC : 902/904

Subject: UDC : 908

Subject: UDC : 93/94

Subject: Archaeology

Subject: General history

Subject: Archaeology. Prehistory. Cultural remains. Area studies

Subject: Archaeology. Prehistory. Cultural remains. Area studies

Subject: Archaeology. Prehistory. Cultural remains. Area studies

Subject: History

Subject: History

Subject: Area studies. Study of a locality

Subject: Cultural remains of historical times

Corporate contributor: Institut istorii, arheologii i ètnografii Dagestanskogo naučnogo centra RAN

Corporate contributor: IIAÈ DNC RAN

Corporate contributor: Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Daghestan Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences

Corporate contributor: IHAE DSC RAS

Corporate contributor: Институт истории, археологии и этнографии Дагестанского научного центра РАН

Corporate contributor: ИИАЭ ДНЦ РАН

Earliest publisher: Махачкала: Институт истории археологии и этнографии Дагестанского научного центра РАН

Earliest publisher: Mahačkala: Institut istorii arheologii i ètnografii Dagestanskogo naučnogo centra RAN

Dates of publication: 2018- 9999

Frequency: Quarterly

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: Russian

Country: Russian Federation

Medium: Online

Indexed by: THE KEEPERS

Indexed by: SCOPUS

Indexed by: ROAD

Indexed by: CROSSREF

Indexed by: FATCAT

Indexed by: ZDB

Indexed by: WIKIDATA

Indexed by: OPENALEX

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Status Publisher Keeper From To Updated Extent of archive

Daghestan Federal Research Centre

Public Knowledge Project PLN




Preserved : 1 (1 to 4); 2 (1 to 4); 3 (1 to 4); 4 (1 to 4); 5 (1 to 4); 6 (1 to 4); 7 (1 to 4); 8 (1, 4); 9 (1 to 4); 10 (2 to 4); 11 (1 to 4); 12 (1, 2, 4); 13 (1 to 4); 14 (1 to 4); 15 (1 to 4); 16 (1 to 4); 17 (1 to 3)
Archival Status
Status Publisher Keeper From To Updated Extent of archive

Daghestan Federal Research Centre

Public Knowledge Project PLN




Preserved : 1 (1 to 4); 2 (1 to 4); 3 (1 to 4); 4 (1 to 4); 5 (1 to 4); 6 (1 to 4); 7 (1 to 4); 8 (1, 4); 9 (1 to 4); 10 (2 to 4); 11 (1 to 4); 12 (1, 2, 4); 13 (1 to 4); 14 (1 to 4); 15 (1 to 4); 16 (1 to 4); 17 (1 to 3)
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Has other medium version: Istoriâ, arheologiâ i ètnografiâ Kavkaza, 2618-6772

Record information

Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 09/02/2024

ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for the Russian Federation

Record creation date: 08/08/2018

Original ISSN Centre: ISSN National Centre for the Russian Federation
